Using a Black Feminist Framework: A Study Comparing Bias Against Female Entrepreneurs in Caribbean Micro-banking


  • Caroline Shenaz Hossein York University



gender, microfinance, poor men, identity politics, racism, informal banks


Activists in the global south have questioned microeconomic principles that allow for bias by educated males against poor women. A core aim of microfinance is to bring meaningful economic and social empowerment to marginalized business women by creating inclusive financial services. Using a Black feminist framework, I find that this has not been the case for all women with micro-banking in the Caribbean. This study of 491 individual interviews and focus group discussions holds that Caribbean people are stratified along multiple identities and female privileging creates a women-disempowering effect in the allocation of financial services to the urban poor. I argue that gender must be studied in relation to race and class in these cases. Middle-class Jamaican managers apply their own class bias, infused with racism, to reject certain segments of the poor. Afro-Guyanese are excluded from micro-loans as a consequence of class and race bias. Haiti’s microfinance sector is exceptional, however, because co-operative lenders are sensitive to bias: They structure programs as a revolutionary tool for economic democracy to reach the ti machanns (micro-entrepreneurs).


